Windows Live Spaces 即將推出!


   究竟上面的網頁版面是甚麼呢?沒錯,她將會是Windows Live Spaces!按這裡可以看到上圖的詳細介紹…不過上面卻多了一個很大的廣告BANNER…算啦,不用錢的東西,不能要求太多…哈哈!!其實之前MSN SPACES 在升級過程中有時候會有HANG機的情況,我覺得如果不自動播放背景音樂會好一些…現在只能期待Windows Live Spaces 了!

  自從LIVE MESSENGER 出來後,SPACES也將會再次更新!根據 The Space Craft官方開發網誌的說明,新版的Spaces將會改成類似如上圖的Windows Live 的風格外觀,除此之外,將會新增Friends Module (朋友模組) ,而且會在 Windows Live Messenger 新增 Friends Explorer (朋友瀏覽) 的功能,此功能將可以與你的朋友或朋友的朋友用各種不同的方式連繫,這個功能應該會在下幾次的升級改版中實現。

  官方也預告了會在新版的Windows Live Spaces新增Navigation Module (導航模組) , 功能在於方便瀏覽Spaces,還有以後的Spaces再也不單調,透過與Live.com相同的Windows Live Gadgets  功能 (Gadget意思是指迷你型的程式,可以叫它小工具),各位將可以自行開發功能千奇百怪的模組供別人使用喔!,最後,為了要配合廣大的Windows Live平台,Spaces的網址將會再次變更(http://[NAME]。

  下面有 The Space Craft 的原文…



Hey Spaces fans,
Windows Live Spaces is arriving soon! Not only will your Space adopt the cool new Windows Live look & feel, but you will also be able to add new and exciting functionality to your space.  With the addition of the Friends Module, you can create a place to hang out with your friends. 
The Friends Explorer, which will be integrated with and accessible through Windows Live Messenger, will enable you and your friends to explore others and create new friendships.
You’ll notice some changes we’ve made to the header, including the replacement of the current text ad links with banner ads across the top.  Of course, as always, if you prefer to see no ads at all in your space, remember you always have the option to switch them off as a subscriber
In addition, your title and tagline will no longer be limited to the Spaces header.  Instead, you can choose to display the title and tagline of your space as a module and have it appear wherever you want it to in your space.  Removing the title from the header means you have more freedom and control over things like your space title and navigation to stuff in your space. Instead of always being stuck at the top, you can place them wherever you want.
The introduction of breadcrumbing and an optional new navigation module will enable you and your visitors to easily navigate through your space.
We are also going to offer many new ways to express yourself and customize your space.    You’ll be able to add mini-applications called Windows Live Gadgets developed by the community for the community.   Can’t find headlines, games, or other gadgets that reflect YOUR personality?   Build your own gadget or bribe a techie friend to do it for you!
Of course with all this great stuff, we also have to make some changes to our URL structure.  As Greg Phipps blogged about last month, your URL will be changing one final time with the switchover to Windows Live Spaces.  Don’t worry though, we are working hard to make this as seamless as possible for you and the visitors to your space.
Here’s a glimpse of what the new Windows Live Spaces will look like:

Thanks for making Spaces your home. We’re working hard to get this created for you and we hope you’re as excited as we are!

As always, we look forward to hearing from you.
The Spaces Team

5 Responses to “Windows Live Spaces 即將推出!”

  1. Agata Says:

    Hi! My name\’s Agata and i\’m from Italy… how are you?
    Very nice msn spaces…. bye!!!

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