
  上個月底在小綠人閑逛的時候那裡看到Google推出線上網頁製作…打算去註冊時發現晚了…後悔都來不及…當然馬上去登記進入WAITING LIST…而且等了好久…


Google Page Creator — Sign up!
Hi there,
Thanks for your interest in Google Page Creator.  We appreciate your patience, and we’re excited to tell you that we enabled your account today, so you can start making pages now!  To get started, head over to and sign in with your Gmail password.  We haven’t opened up Google Page Creator to everybody yet, so you’ll see a message on our home page saying that accounts are unavailable — you can just ignore that.

Google Page Creator is an experiment on Google Labs.  Google Labs is where we put projects before they’re ready for prime time so that we can start getting feedback from our users.  So, please, tell us what you think, what features we should add, what problems you’re experiencing, or anything else that can help us make Google Page Creator a better tool for you.  We’re listening.
This is the only email we’ll be sending you — unless you’d like to receive updates in the future.
— The Google Page Creator team


  Google的免費線上網頁製作工具,透過此工具可以在幾分鐘之內製作出自己的網頁,Google將此工具命名為「Google Page Creator」, Google Page Creator 是應用AJAX技術的編輯器讓使用著能用WYSIWYG(所見即所得)的方式輕鬆建立網頁。這無疑又是一項創新,自Google走紅以來已經發佈多款創新網路服務,大概是希望把網路服務發揮到極致吧。

◇ 免費提供100MB的空間使用..
◇ 不能貼語法,就算是貼上自家的
Google Video也不行    
◇ 可以上傳任何檔案
◇ 有多種佈景主題和版面可以選擇
◇ 可以使用HTML編輯部分網頁
◇ GET timeout = 1 min

◇ 只要有 GMail 帳號 ,就可以更容易申請得到! 

◇ 請到GMAIL邀請大贈送看看啦!

◇ 不過這還不行,目前Google已經有限額使用此服務,所以有興趣的人要在網頁右下方的框框填上自己的Email,預定名額…


13 Responses to “Google線上網頁製作工具”

  1. 东平 Says:

    I have waited for a long time,but google hasn\’t sent me the invitation yet?
    How long had you been waited for?

  2. Samuel Says:

    about 20 days…may be you can try to submit your request again…

  3. 东平 Says:

    I have sent my request for a long time,but I haven\’t got any reply yet!!!
    So ,could you tell me what to do?

  4. Ulrich Says:

    While these parks aren’t the same, you might need to carefully analyze the price of them. Are you going on a lighthouse tour of the Oregon Coast. There was no swimming at Buttermilk Falls during the week but the staff suggested we drive two miles to Treman State Park – and WOW what a swimming hole they have.

  5. Says:

    If with the classic version, you only get to play the same game
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  6. Ernest Says:

    Dominion: Intrigue is a standalone expansion for the award-winning Dominion card game that shook the gaming world in 2008.
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    Moreover, there you could also play Scrabble in the internet,
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  7. Janina Says:

    s better to use whole foods made from scratch for good health.
    Withdrawal from levothyroxine can be done but it takes 6 weeks of withdrawal for the remaining thyroid tissue to be completely
    starved. Many people don’t have the time to weight themselves every day, but checking the scale on a regular basis can definitely help when you’re working to lose weight and
    keep it off.

  8. Ronda Says:

    It does appear, however, that hypnosis can help
    a person achieve his or her weight loss goals. It’s old news that tracking food intake could lead
    to losing a few pounds [2]. Hence, broccoli is a must-add ingredient in your vegetarian weight loss diet.

  9. Tamara Says:

    You don’t have to hit the gym for two and three hours each day to lose weight, but it does help to squeeze in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. In fact, I always suggest to those overweight vegetarians to keep to a max of 4 pounds a week so you won’t suffer loose
    skin post weight loss. Expect to lose all that extra flabbiness as you melt off all your unwanted fat.

  10. go back Says:

    You don’t have to hit the gym for two and three hours each day to lose weight, but it does help to squeeze in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Withdrawal from levothyroxine can be done but it takes 6 weeks of withdrawal for the remaining thyroid tissue to be completely starved. The institution has persistently offered ideal programs and services for those struggling to achieve certain levels of body weight.

  11. Says:

    a Bruce Lee workout includes stretching, bending, running,
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    Authorities inside the area will need to have an intensive understanding of laboratory and labeling techniques,
    infection security precautions, appropriate blood attract approaches to the elderly and for infants and even more.
    Then leave it a while until your tummy lets you know that you’re hungry again before opting for a healthy snack.

  12. Kacey Says:

    Break your 3 normal main meals into 5 smaller portion sizes – morning, snack,
    lunch, snack, dinner. It’s old news that tracking food intake could lead to losing a few pounds [2].

    Do not be tempted to lose weight as quickly as you can, because a crash diet will have you eating less than a
    thousand calories a day slowing down your metabolism.

  13. Radio Lumiere Says:

    Now that you know how it works, you can listen for the sheer pleasure of it – without all those nagging technical questions churning
    in the back of your mind. Don’t over crowd her inbox with lines of love poetry.
    The original system, which went online in 1999, cost about $4.

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